
Thanks for the info.

The mbeans for key generation are certainly fine, the security related one
I don't know enough about to comment on, however I don't think you need the
bean with the jndi name of the datasource.  I apologize for not being able
to give you the exact syntax, but (normally) you remap the jndi name used
in your beans to the jndi name the datasource is bound under.  This mapping
is not in java but in one of the xml config files - I think jboss.xml.

On 2001.07.30 09:29:14 -0400 Frederick N. Brier wrote:
> At 12:00 AM 7/30/2001, David Jencks wrote:
> >Out of curiousity, what is the relationship between the ejbs and the
> >mbeans?
> One of the MBean(s) is a incrementing key generator for the primary keys
> of 
> entity beans.  One is instantiated for each table.  The other two act as
> a 
> central place to stick configuration information.  One is security
> related 
> and stores the JNDI/LDAP server connection info as well as other related 
> security configuration.  The other is application related and stores a 
> reference to the DataSource.  It bothered me to have hard coded JNDI
> names 
> to look up the data sources spread out and in all the different methods
> of 
> all the EJBs.  So I have a base class that all EJBs extend that maintains
> a 
> lazy reference to the application MBean which contains any necessary 
> configuration information.  End result is there is only one hard coded
> name in the base EJB class.  Currently the app MBean keeps a reference to
> the security MBean.  Does this sound ok, or am I violating any EJB server
> design rules and my code blow up?  Thanks again.
> Frederick N. Brier
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