anonymous wrote : For my specific environment it would be helpful as I use the 
tomahawk components combined with JAAS quite a lot

It would be better if there was a more generic solution.

I wonder if it is possible to create an <s:secure> tag and then do, eg:

<s:secure role="Admin">
  |    <h:commandLink ... />
  | </s:secure>

I have not yet investigated whether stuff like this is easy in JSF.

anonymous wrote : I am sure I can play around with the rendered attribute based 
on user's roles that I expose to achieve the same effect

The problem I see here is that you need a way to pass the name of the role you 
need, and JSF-EL does not support parameters (this is silly, btw).

I guess you could use:

anonymous wrote : <s:link rendered="#{not empty user.roles['Admin']}"/>

or something. But that is kinda ugly.

anonymous wrote : to use the ui stuff with the latest myfaces snapshot one has 
to change the imports in

Eeeek! Very careless of me, I was NOT supposed to have a MyFaces dependency 
there! Fixed in CVS.

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