anonymous wrote : The problem I see here is that you need a way to pass the 
name of the role you need, and JSF-EL does not support parameters (this is 
silly, btw). 

Agreed. What I have done to simulate the JAAS roles stuff is expose stuff in my 
PortalUser object (this required for each role that I have.. clumsy but works):

  | @Transient
  | public Boolean getServiceManager() {
  | //userHasRole is a hashmap containing all the user roles
  |     return userHasRole(PortalRole.serviceManagerLiteral);
  | }

in my view page I then do something like:

  | <f:subview rendered="#{portalUser.serviceManager}">
  | <li><s:link action="#{serviceManagementBean.loadAllServices}"
  |                             propagation="end" id="serviceManagement">
  |                     <h:outputText value="#{msgs.serviceManagement}" />
  | </s:link></li>
  | </f:subview>

anonymous wrote : Fixed in CVS.


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