Ok, maybe I'm just not getting something here- I'm trying to do a simple 
reverse engineer/code generate as shown in the flash demo like others on this 
post. I originally got the Method not found: isJndiName error, so I tried 
updating to the nightly builds as suggested. Now, I get the following error 
when trying to generate the code:

org.hibernate.tool.hbm2x.ExporterException: Error while processing template 
  |   freemarker.core.InvalidReferenceException: Expression 
field.value.typeName is undefined on line 35, column 6 in seam/find.jsp.ftl.
  |     freemarker.core.InvalidReferenceException: Expression 
field.value.typeName is undefined on line 35, column 6 in seam/find.jsp.ftl.

Here's what I've tried (I downloaded, installed, deactivated old and activated 
new for each nightly listed below in eclipse 3.1.2 using the Help > Manage 
Configuration tool then doing a "Replace with Another Version")


Figuring maybe I had some sort of conflict or Eclipse wasn't updating properly 
(the above described method should work for this purpose, no?), I finally 
unzipped a brand spanking new version of eclipse 3.1.2, and installed *ONLY* 
JBossIDE-200604061020-nightly-ALL.zip as suggested and which several others had 
previously posted they had gotten working. Still get the same error, and I'm 
pretty sure I'm following the flash demo exactly.

I also tried generating code with and without the "Generate EJB3 Annotations" 
checked, and same result either way.

Not that it should make a difference, but I'm using PostgreSQL- it seems there 
might be an issue with incorrect values in the persistence.properties file, but 
now I can't even get that far... 

Any help or pointers would be appreciated, thanks in advance

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