Dain, basically explained.  I had a look at the source.  JBoss uses a
'special' class loader to dynamically generate a 'byte code' class
presumably 'wrapper' the ejb abstract class before it is instantiated.  Very
----- Original Message -----
From: "Andreas Joseph Krogh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 5:56 PM
Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] EJB 2.0 CMP implementation class must be abstrac t

Dain Sundstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> > According to this article
> >
> ?frontpage-jdc
> > an EJB 2.0 CMP bean implementation class must be abstract, will it
> > work in JBoss?
> Yes.
> > As I understand it JBoss does not generate "wrapper" class instead
> > it uses the Proxy class to "wrap" the bean, the call to
> > Class.newInstance() will not work on an abstract class.  I am just
> > wondering how it is done.
> > Kar
> You got it half right. We use a proxy class, but the proxy does not as you
> put it, "wrap the bean." JBoss uses dynamic proxies
> (java.lang.reflect.Proxy). Read the javadocs, but to summarize, a dynamic
> proxy is a lot of black magic that code generates the byte code for a
> that implements an arbitrary set of interfaces. For CMP JBoss uses a
> implementation of dynamic proxies that will generate a proxy that is a
> subclass of an abstract class.
> It is pretty simple except for the code that generates the proxy, which I
> didn't write.

I thought the dynamic proxy thing wouldn't work with CMP-2.0 and that JBoss
would seriously suffer from this as SUN wouldn't take it out of the spec.
you/anyone please elaborate more on this, and how JBoss solved it?

Andreas Joseph Krogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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