Forgive the newbie question...

Looking at the jpdl schema it doesn't appear that there is a way to directly 
specify (inject) process context variables from the process definition itself. 
The nearest you can come is to specify a property on a delegation class such as 
an Action e.g. 

 <action class='MyActionHandler'>
  |       <source>PATCH_ZIP/jboss2.jar</source>
  |  </action>

Is this a deliberate design decision or did I miss seomthing?

The use case I have is that I would like to define generic sub processes, and 
then add multiple instances of them to my super process, having each one vary 
in the values of a couple of context variables. But the best I can do is:

<process-definition name='super'>
  |   ...
  |   <process-state name='p'>
  |           <sub-process name='sub' />
  |           <variable name='a' access='read' mapped-name='A' />
  |   </process-state>
  | </process-definition>

When in fact I really want to be able to specify a value for 'a' in the 
process-state which would get passed into the 'sub' process.

Thanks in advance

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