I agree too...

this looks like the eternal war between news/mailinglist
outlook calendar/quickplace agenda/HR planning/Project ...

moreover my opinion is that push/pull is not a problem
around what we talk about, but why we are here...

push is the ONLY way
to make happy peoples help poor guys,
anticipate problems, and be informed.

pull is the BEST way for poor guys to
tell their misery, find previous solution,
and track answers...

as you see, if one channel must be killed,
this is the forum (priority of ONLY against BETTER).

why not gateway these two system (not easy I agree)

one way would be :

-put a threadID in the subject (+content?+headers?), 
associating a message with the original forum.

-invite/force people to
send NEW problems/thread only on the forum
(no new thread authorized from mail...
 valid threadID mandatory...)

- any answer made from mail or forum
send to the right forum thread and 
to the whole mailing list...

- give URL to a message thread in the forum,
in the mail message.

a nice/hard project...

> -----Message d'origine-----
> De: Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Date: mardi 4 décembre 2001 15:11
> Objet: Re: [JBoss-user] jboss-user shutdown
> I really love jboss-user list... That solved several problems in my
> config/installations.
> I can talk with more people that are going trhought same 
> problems that I
> have.
> If the mailing list stops, the information will not be delivered in my
> hands. I will have that to search they, what I will not be 
> able to make due
> to time.

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