
I'm using JBoss and Tomcat for my web application.

I have two stateful session ejbs: InsegnamentiEJB and MatDidEJB.

The MatDidEJB is restricted to a security domain, but the other is not.
So I did not specify any method permission in the ejb-jar.xml for the first bean, but 
only for the second one:



I want to use the database login module for the authentication of users so I had to 
change the standard configurations adding the following jboss.xml:

<jboss> <security-domain>java:/jaas/modulojdbc</security-domain>

where modulojdbc is the JNDI name of the authorization configuration in the auth.conf 

Then I have two JSPs: Insegnamenti.jsp and MatDid.jsp.

When the user connects to the first he/she doesn't need to be authenticated and can 
access to the related ejb.
On the bottom of the page there is a link to the other jsp and if the user clicks it 
he/she must authenticate himself/herself with a login form.

My web.xml contains the following:


  <web-resource-name>area riservata</web-resource-name> 



The problem is that when the user connect to the Insegnamenti.jsp and tries to connect 
to the InsegnamentiEJB the following exception occurs:

                   javax.servlet.ServletException: checkSecurityAssociation; nested 
exception is: 
                   java.lang.SecurityException: Authentication exception, 
principal=null; nested exception is: 
                   java.rmi.RemoteException: checkSecurityAssociation; nested 
exception is: 
                   java.lang.SecurityException: Authentication exception, 

It seems that as long as I set the jboss configuration with the jboss.xml, any user 
that try to access the beans must be authenticated! WHY?!

How can I restrict the authentication only to ONE particular ejb?

                   PLEASE HELP!!!!!

Thanks in advance


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