You have the wrong version from cvs, how can I explain this better?.

I think in the correct version there are still problems in the mbean-ref
tags, check the object names, I think they should be JCA:service... rather
than jboss.jca:service...

They need to exactly match the object names shown in the jmx viewer, port

david jencks

On 2002.02.06 12:20:48 -0500 Edward Q. Bridges wrote:
> i have been trying to migrate a 2.4.3/postgres setup to use rabbithole,
> but 
> am not getting very far. :-(
> i copied (with minor modifications) the default config mentioned in the 
> online manual but it is not working for me.
> i've attached the postgres-service.xml and an excerpt from the server log
> (debug=true), but am at a loss to interpret the error message ("Object
> name 
> cannot be null" -- what object??).
> i would really appreciate it if someone could point out what i'm missing
> in 
> this.
> (jboss 3.0.0 alpha and postgres 7.1.2)
> thanks in advance!
> --e--
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <!-- $Id: postgres-service.xml,v 1.2 2002/01/14 00:16:51 d_jencks Exp $
> -->
> <!-- =====================================================================
> -->
> <!--                                                                     
>  -->
> <!-- Example configuration for the postgres database.                    
>  -->
> <!-- Put the driver jar jdbc7.0-1.2.jar in lib/ext                       
>  -->
> <!-- Contributed by Ignacio Coloma [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  
>  -->
> <!-- =====================================================================
> -->
> <server>
>   <classpath archives="postgresql.jar"/>
>   <mbean code="org.jboss.resource.ConnectionFactoryLoader" 
>        name="jboss.jca:service=ConnectionFactoryLoader,name=ContentDS">
>     <attribute name="ManagedConnectionFactoryProperties">
>         ConnectionURL=jdbc:postgresql://localhost/contentdb
>       DriverClass=org.postgresql.Driver
>       UserName=ebridges
>       Password=ebridges
>     </attribute>
>     <attribute name="JndiName">ContentDS</attribute>
>     <attribute name="TransactionManagerName">java:/TransactionManager</attribute>
>     <depends 
> JDBC LocalTransaction ResourceAdapter</depends>
>     <depends 
>     <attribute name="ConnectionManagerProperties">
>       BlockingTimeoutMillis=500000
>       IdleTimeoutMinutes=30
>       MaxSize=10
>       CleanupIntervalMinutes=10
>       MinSize=0
>       MaxIdleTimeoutPercent=1.0
>     </attribute>
>     <attribute name="PrincipalMappingClass">
>     </attribute>
>     <attribute name="PrincipalMappingProperties">
>       UserName=ebridges
>       Password=ebridges
>     </attribute>
>   </mbean>
> </server>

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