Dirk Storck wrote:
> But I must have access to the filesystem for copying purpose.
> How about using MBean's for that ? Can they be access as normal Beans ?

As much as the spec says you shouldn't do io from EJBs, technically you 
still can (though I'm not advocating it ;) ).  I tried it once and both 
JBoss and WebLogic didn't stop me.  I'm guessing there would have to be 
some ClassLoader or security magic to keep you from using anything in 
java.io, but in practice I doubt anybody does that.

AFAIK, "they" don't want you to do io because 1) io can block forever, 
and 2) the filesystem isn't transactionally managed.  I'm not sure if 
there's stuff in JDK 1.4's new nio package that can address the first 
point.  There might also be a 3rd party product to address the second. 
Probably (as I think someone else already mentioned) as a .rar.


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