You can create a classpath extension for a directory
in jboss.conf.
Just put a '/' on the end of the url and don't put
any jars or zips in the directory.


>From: "Eric Kaplan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] logging and admininstration
>Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 22:15:32 -0500
>couple more questions wrt 3 below.  we're using jboss 2.4.1, which seems to
>use, but i think you're saying that the latest version of
>jboss no longer uses it?  also, in development we have a classes directory
>which contains the heierarchy of all our class files, so there is no jar to
>copy to lib/ext.  what should we do in this case?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Adrian Brock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Monday, February 18, 2002 1:43 PM
>Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] logging and admininstration
>Here's some short answers.
>1) Stop on error
>JBoss is designed to host many services concurrently.
>There is no mechanism to say one is critical and end the server.
>JBoss3.0 introduces the ideas of dependencies.
>If the database doesn't come up, neither will services that
>use it, instead they wait. When you fix the database config,
>restart the database service and all the dependencies start as well.
>There is no need to end the server.
>You can do a similar thing on 2.4.4, but you have to manually
>work out the dependencies, i.e. which services need to be restarted.
>2) Log4j
>The best way to do logging for a bean (at the moment)
>private static final Category log = Category.newInstance(MyClass.class);
>If you want to separate the logging from JBoss, change
> to have something like
>, MyAppender
>Assuming all your beans are in the package com.acme
>If you want to customize log4j, put your customisations in a jar,
>and add the jar to the Log4jService "archives" attribute in jboss.conf
>Be careful, make sure your customisations don't conflict with
>jboss's own.
>3) run.bat
>Don't put anything in the classpath of run.bat, especially not
>something that uses Class.forName() to load classes.
>Put your jars in jboss/lib/ext
>There used to be a for system properties. It was
>removed, I don't know why? I guess it was used as a dumping ground
>by developers when they should have been using jboss.jcml for
> >From: "Eric Kaplan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: [JBoss-user] logging and admininstration
> >Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 12:25:27 -0500
> >
> >Three questions:
> >
> >1. Typically, we bring up the application server and eyeball the output 
> >obvious errors, which are one of three typically:
> >     - Cannot bind to the required port, usually because a jboss instance
> >is already running
> >     - Cannot create one or more db pools, usually because the database
> >is down
> >     - One or more errors deploying the beans, including verifier
> >problems.
> >If we see an error, we fix it and restart.  However, in production, we 
> >to automatically bring up the server, detect problems, and exit with an
> >error code.  Is there a straightforward way of doing this?
> >
> >2. Logging with log4j.  Log4j on its own is easy.  However, I'm still
> >frustrated getting my beans to log using log4j with jboss.  Scanning the
> >forum, it seems there are a LOT of people having the same problem.  We 
> >probably all doing the same thing wrong, but it's not clear exactly what
> >the
> >remedy is.  Can someone please tell me?  I would think I could get the
> >latest log4j and log4-core jars, put them in the classpath, and roll, but
> >this is not the case.  Please let me know what I need to do?
> >
> >3. We have a couple of system properties (-D flag) as well as classpath
> >extensions to make when running jboss.  We currently have hacked run.bat,
> >but I don't think this is a great solution.  What is the sanctioned way 
> >jboss for dealing with this?
> >
> >Thanks
> >
> >Eric Kaplan
> >Armanta, Inc.
> >55 Madison Ave.
> >Morristown, NJ  07960
> >Phone: (973) 326-9600
> >
> ><< winmail.dat >>
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