Am Mit, 2002-03-06 um 21.04 schrieb Per Jessen:
> On Wed, 6 Mar 2002 12:59:03 +0100, Eric Jain wrote:
> >> relocate to the middle of these Countries -> Danmark... Have fun, try the
> >> yoghurt, its great...
> >
> >Everybody knows that in fact Switzerland is in the middle of Europe and the
> >world in general. Also, the milk is better.
> Eh ?? ah, well, as we are OT anyway - I'm danish, live in Switzerland, on a 
> dairy farm of all places, and of course the danish milk is better!
> Although I'd challenge any of you to tell the difference ... :-)
i am frustrated again, i'm german and live in germany - our milk is
milk, seldom better, more seldom butter - which leaves me to cheese:
just for my info: which cheese is similar to your weightning of quality
for milk and why not, if? french - swiss - danish 

<taking a sip of java; coffee: going on topic! />

> med venlig hilsen,
> Per Jessen, Zurich.
> regards,
> Per Jessen, Zurich
> - home of the J1 serial console.
> Windows 2001: "I'm sorry Dave ...  I'm afraid I can't do that."
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