One thing you might want to do is turn logging up a little bit in and see if something is actually going south quietly.

Mike Kenyon wrote:
> I just downloaded JBoss v.2.4.4 as part of an internal effort to migrate one
> of our test servers from another app server to JBoss.  We're using iPlanet
> as a web server with JSPs connecting back to the EJBs running on JBoss.  

Are the JSPs running under JBoss/(Jetty|Tomcat), or are they running in 
iPlanet App. Server? If the JSPs are running in iPlanet, they're 
probably trying to do a lookup in IAS's JNDI, whereas the EJBs will be 
bound in JBoss' JNDI.

> Using Sun's JNDI browser, I can't locate anything that resembles an EJB
> (seeing only two entries, "UserTransaction" and
> "UserTransactionSessionFactory").  

Which JNDI server was this pointed at?

> Further, I tried to examine it through JNDIView (which claims to start
> successfullly), however, nothing is bound to http://localhost:8082, as the
> documentation indicates there should be.

You mean there's no http server listening at 'http://localhost:8082'? If 
so then something is going wronger with the startup.


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