Scheil, Sven wrote:

> We've tested JBoss 2.4.0 a time ago and missed the ejb2.0 support.
> Now I've read JBoss 3 comes with an integrated CMP Module JBossCMP, but
> can't find any further information (may be in the docs for $10?).

Yes the JBossCMP docs has the info/

> Can someone help me with the following questions:
> Can I use JBossCMP with JBoss 2.4.4 (becuase this is the stable version of
> JBoss) ? If so, where to find an installtion guide?

No, JBossCMP is a 3.0 only feature.

> Is there a deploytool for the O-R-Mapping that comes with JBossCMP? If not
> how can we handle our existing ear file containing >40 EntityBeans and >50
> relationships?

What?  JBossCMP doesn't need a deployment tool.


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