
saw that coming :)

Since I happen to be the sqeeky wheel here, I'll take a look at jive  and
see if I can track the problem down.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dmitri Colebatch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 10:42 PM
> To: Todd Marshall; Jboss-User
> Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] searching the forums
> >    It seems that the problem has to do with long search
> strings, and search
> > strings that are in quotes.
> ahhhh... I thought you were just quoting the search string, I
> didn't realise that the quotes were part of the search string.  yes, I
> see the bug you refer to.  btw...
> [snip]
> > My main point is that it doesn't matter what the forums are
> running on.  The
> > perception will be that if the website that the developers of
> JBoss put up
> > to promote the use of their product doesn't work properly, then
> why should I
> > use their software for my enterprise application?  It doesn't
> matter that
> > the forum software is written by a third party, the perception
> is the same.
> > whew :)
> >
> > Anyway, I know I'm picking nits here.  However, it's very
> similar to writing
> > a resume, but not correcting all the spelling mistakes.  It creates a
> > perception of stupidity and inattention to detail that may not reflect
> > reality.
> valid point... I hear what you're saying.
> Note that the source of jive is available
> s/src/lib/jive.jar and
> with jive being nice model 1 code (lol), its all in the jsp, so
> it is fixable.  I'm at work, and so not going to look at it now, but
> its the sort of thing that any user could probably fix given a
> little bit of time.  I belive that the jar contains pretty well
> everything that is required...  all you need is a servlet
> container and a database.... jboss has both (o:
> if ppl in charge of the website (Marc?) share Todd's opinion,
> perhaps it _might_ be worth considering a website area in sf's bug
> system.  This sounds like opening a can of worms to me, but it
> would be applicable in this situation.
> just my 2c
> > BTW- just for giggles, I ran some long searches on Sun's java
> forums and the
> > results came back fine.  So either they corrected the bug, or it is a
> > configuration issue.
> hehe... that would've been interesting indeed....
> cheesr
> dim

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