Sorry for the repost on this one, but someone must be using context paths with JBoss 2.4.4/Tomcat 4.  Am I way off on this one?  How can I set up an image path that is not within the webapp?  I used to do this in the server.xml in tomcat 3x.


Below is the original post.


Thanx for reading.  Your help is most appreciated.







I understand that 2.4.4 + Catalina doesn't support parsing the server.xml file.


I am trying to setup a Context path that would normally be in the server.xml.  From what I have read I am thinking I should be able to do this in the jboss.jcml.  I took a shot at getting it to work (cuz I don't see any dox on how-to).


Below is one of the things I tried.  Can someone confirm that this is possible and supply an example?



  <mbean code="org.jboss.web.catalina.EmbeddedCatalinaServiceSX"


      <attribute name="Port">80</attribute>

      <attribute name="Config">

            <Context path="/images"











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