On 2002.04.16 22:22:29 -0400 James Higginbotham wrote:
> Ok, so to reiterate, the current (3.0 beta 2) classloader for an EJB
> will use whatever it knows about, including jars found in
> JBOSS_HOME/lib, right? 


And, the Verifier Errors I'm seeing on the EJB
> side (see previous post from a few hours ago) are more than likely a
> conflict from the EJB I've deployed requiring the newer log4j jar but
> not getting it, right?

Most likely

> As for Log4j 1.2 in JBoss, we are using 1.2 beta 3 and here is the
> failure during the early startup of Jboss:


Looks like a mess, but this probably just requires a little change to the
jboss Logger that wraps the log4j stuff.  Ceci Gulku (??sp??) posted some
patches a while back when he started log4j 1.2, you might take a look.  

david jencks

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