My original intention last year was to write an MBean to wrap exec'ing the 
offline Generator product passing it parameters on the "command 
line".  Last year, I had asked some questions about whether you could exec 
from within an MBean or whether there were similar limitations as with 
EJBs.  I was told there were not.  However, your suggestion of using 
JGenerator at this point instead is an excellent one.  No exec'ing.  Much 
better.  I'll give them a post or submit a feature request.  If no one 
bites, perhaps I can take a whack at it next month. You are suggesting 
making the whole thing a deployable .sar, correct?  Cool.  Thanks.  I have 
to say though the $650 I wasted on the product hurts.


At 04:49 PM 5/13/2002, you wrote:
>You should contact the JGenerator to see if they would like to create an 
>add-on package for JBoss.  My guess is that all they would need to do is 
>create an MBean wrapper.
>Frederick N. Brier wrote:
>>There are third party tools referred to on the Macromedia web site:
>>There are third party tools that do text and 3D effects, but your best 
>>bet for general Flash file creation is probably the Flash MX product itself.
>>I think you still need Flash 5 to create templates.  Flash MX 
>>(essentially Flash 6) does not support generator since they dropped 
>>support.  JGenerator and Generator allow you to add dynamic content to 
>>your Flash: .swt + data-source ---Generator---> dynamically generated 
>>.swf.  If I remember correctly Generator had one feature that JGenerator 
>>did not have, which was generating .gifs and motion .gifs.  But Generator 
>>is no longer available.  JGenerator has a number of features that 
>>Generator does not have.  See their pages:
>>Hope that helps.


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