I use ant so only the changed class files are being copied over, and
"no", the new changes are not being noticed. I'm developing using a
file structure rather than an EAR file for easy updating of bits and
bobs, if that sheds any light.

BTW, does the hot-redeploy completely remove the app and redeploy it,
or just the changed files?

On Tue, May 21, 2002 at 08:15:55AM -0700, Scott M Stark wrote:
> Just redeploying the ear to server/default/deploy is not getting you
> the updated versions?
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Scott Stark
> Chief Technology Officer
> JBoss Group, LLC
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Simon Stewart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2002 4:04 AM
> Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] Does JBoss3 have Problems Deploying Similar
> ejb-jars in Different EARs
> > On Thu, May 16, 2002 at 07:42:38PM -0400, David Jencks wrote:
> > >
> > > Basically we decided that we would initially support visibility between
> > > deployment packages with hot-redeploy, since this is a feature
> previously
> > > unavailable anywhere as far as I know.
> >
> > How do you go about using this? One of my major development bugbears
> > is restarting JBoss so that I can see any changes that I have made to
> > either my EJBs or any servlets (although JSPs get updated fine)
> > because it takes about 2-3 minutes _every time_!
> >
> > This is using the JBoss 3/Tomcat combo, rather than the standard Jetty
> > implentation, FWIW.



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