Just curious where you are getting the ClassCastException.  In particular,
where are you getting a reference to the object that triggers the exception?
[Probably JNDI, but I'm just asking...]

Note that a class 'Foo' loaded from classloader A and the "same" class 'Foo'
loaded from classloader B are distinct types.  Therefore, if you:

 create ClassLoader A, 
   create an object of Foo<A>, 
     store object of Foo<A>, 
 create a new Classloader B
   (which then loads Foo<B>), 
     and try to cast Foo<A> to an instance of Foo<B>, 
       you'll get a ClassCastException.  

Anyhow, this information is of course not a solution to your problem, but it
may help to understand why you are getting the exception.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Simon Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2002 10:48 AM
> Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] Does JBoss3 have Problems Deploying Similar
> ejb-jars in Different EARs
> Ahhh.... Light dawns. Curiously, I get a ClassCastException when I
> redeploy a previously working app by touching the application.xml. I'm
> using CMP 2.x and attempting to get hold of a LocalHome object. Not a
> line of code has changed, and nothing else has been touched.
> This using the JBoss 3RC3 and Tomcat bundle on Linux with Sun's JDK
> 1.4. I'll do some more poking about, but has anyone else seen this?
> On Tue, May 21, 2002 at 10:02:45AM -0700, Scott M Stark wrote:
> > A complete redploy. Touch the META-INF/application.xml descriptor
> > to redeploy.
> Cheers,
> Simon
> -- 
> Whatever you do, congratulate yourself far too much and berate others.
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