
  I was able to use Firebird to store data from a
Entity bean using Container Manager Persistence on a
Linux plataform.
  But when I copy this same EJB project to a plataform
with Windows 2000 and Firebird I am not able to get
the connection.
  There are something I need to know ?
  I am using the same application jar file and the
same firebird-service.xml file. I just change the
location of the .gdb file (on Linux was
/opt/data/ejb.gdb to on Windows c:\ejb\data\ejb.gdb).
Both files does not exist, they are created by  :

  <mbean code="org.firebirdsql.management.FBManager"
    <attribute name="UserName">sysdba</attribute>
    <attribute name="Password">masterkey</attribute>
    <attribute name="CreateOnStart">true</attribute>
    <attribute name="DropOnStop">false</attribute>

  On both cases the only thing I had change was the
.gdb locations. And I remove the hsqldb-service.xml
configuration file, so the FB database can be linked
to the JNDI name "DefaultDS".

  Andre S.

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