Hi Everyone,

I am depoying my applcation in JBoss-Oracle, I have a query in ejb-jar.xml
taking a boolean parameter like, columnName= FALSE or TRUE, when this finder
was called, there will be a SQL exception, (Invalid Column name), I found
the reason for this is that Oracle doesn't have boolean type, so this sql
statement is invalid. And I want to fix this using declared-sql in
jbosscmp-jdbc.xml to overwrite this finder query, it works well, but another
problem is, how can I write declared-sql when this finder takes a cmr field
as a parameter, for example, findActiveAccountsForCustomer(Customer
customer), which customer is a cmr filed for account bean.

Any reply would be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Arthur Wang
Ensemble Systems Inc.
Tel: (604)232-7954 Fax: (604)231-9545


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