I just noticed that you are working on an example for all of us! :)  Do you have
this ready, perhaps with the changes below?  I got the zip from your site below
about an hour ago, and I'm happy to see an example! :)



Quoting David Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Greg Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I've gotten many to many relationships to work, so I took a look at
> > what you are doing. While I did not take an indepth look at your code,
> > I did notice one big difference between our two approaches. Your code
> > is trying to do too much, in managing relationship IDs. If you were to
> > change your code to my way of doing it, here is what it would look
> > like:
> > 
> > Company company = companyHome.create (companyId, name);
> > 
> > Employee employee = employeeHome.create (emailId,email);
> > 
> > company.getEmployees().add (employee);
> Thank you for the idea. I modified my EmployeeBean>>setCompanyId(companyId)
> to
> follow your suggestion, so rather than a direct:
> employee.setCompany(companyLocal);
> I'm instead doing the more roundabout:
> companyLocal.getEmployees().add(employeeLocal);
> And it works, when called from either ejbPostCreate() or after
> create() has returned to the client.
> Thanks a lot.
> My original setCompany(companyLocal) still looks like it should work and is
> more direct. But I'll take anything that works for the moment :-) 
> > Another big difference is that I do all the work in a SessionBean,
> > which means that it all occurs under the scope of one transaction.
> > Whereas, your code does things piece wise in the client, which means
> > not under the scope of one transaction. If you were to do it as I
> > suggest on the client, it may still not work because of the
> > differences in transaction scope.
> The application that I am trying to convert to JBoss does access all
> Entities through Session beans. I was just hoping that for a minimal
> example the 2 entity beans and client class might be clearer, and it
> also matched Tim's original Version2 code example a little closer.
> I had assumed that the greater number of transactions involved by
> making multiple calls from the client would only affect the
> performance rather than the correctness. Everything seems to work ok
> from the client.
> > Hope this has given you some ideas. Please report back any successes.
> > 
> > Greg Turner
> Thanks for the help. I'm hoping that the apparent underlying problems with
> setCompany() can be fixed up relatively soon, but at least I can
> continue using the add() technique for the moment.
> > David Jones wrote:
> > > I am new to both JBoss and EJB2.0 and the new CMP support. Using
> > >XDoclet I can create a couple of beans that include simple CMP and
> > >CMR fields, generate and deploy an ear to JBoss, and it appears to
> > >install it with no WARNings.
> > >
> > > But using a simple client I find that the value of my CMR/foreign
> > >key field never changes from null. This is irrespective of whether I
> > >set it in the ejbPostCreate or call it after create() returns to my
> > >client.
> > >
> > > [...]
> > >
> > > I have made the example available on my website: 47kb This includes
> > >the source, build.xml and a built ear ready to deploy.
> > >
> > > http://www.night.dircon.co.uk/jboss/cmr-example.zip
> -- 
> David G Jones                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> PGP Key ID=0x389707D3  http://www.night.dircon.co.uk/pgp.asc
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