Aarrghh !

Sorry, mate - can't help you - I do the Jetty integration...

Jetty will query JBossSX (via RealmMapping.doesUserHaveRole()) every 
time that it makes an isUserInRole() call. However I cannot answer for 
Tomcat. Your best bet is to have a quick look at the source. I think 
this is it here....


Good luck,


Simon Stewart wrote:
> Sorry if this appears twice! Thanks for the prod, Jules:
> JBoss 3 final + tomcat 4.0.3 (bundle from JBoss website)
> Sun's JDK 1.4
> On Mon, Jun 10, 2002 at 11:57:23AM +0100, Jules Gosnell wrote:
>>JBoss version ?
>>WebContainer ?
>>WebContainer and version ?
>>Simon Stewart wrote:
>>>I'm wondering how often JBoss checks a user's Role mappings when using
>>>the JDBC based LoginManager, does anyone know? Using a
>>>"request.isUserInRole( String roleName )", it only appears to check
>>>once, when the user initially logs into the system. Is there any way
>>>to get JBoss to consult the relevant tables every time a user's role
>>>is checked?
> Cheers,
> Simon


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