I prefer to use the tag inside of  home and remote interfaces, as it's 
better to separate the remotes from locals.


            <packageSubstitution packages="servidor.ejb" 

            <packageSubstitution packages="servidor.ejb" 

wonder sonic wrote:

>I'm not an xdoclet expert but did you put the line:
><packageSubstitution packages="session,entity"
>in the build.xml ant file?
>look at the example:
>   <target name="xdoclet-generate" depends="init">
>      <taskdef
>         name="ejbdoclet"
>         classname="xdoclet.ejb.EjbDocletTask"
>      >
>         <classpath refid="xdoclet.path"/>
>      </taskdef>
>      <ejbdoclet
>         sourcepath="${src.ejb.dir}"
>         destdir="${build.generate.dir}"
>         classpathref="base.path"
>         excludedtags="@version,@author"
>         ejbspec="${ejb.version}"
>         mergedir="${src.resources.dir}/xdoclet"
>         force="${xdoclet.force}"
>      >
>         <fileset dir="${src.ejb.dir}">
>            <include name="**/*Bean.java"/>
>         </fileset>
>         <packageSubstitution
>         <dataobject/>
>         <remoteinterface/>
>         <homeinterface/>
>         <entitypk/>
>         <entitycmp/>
>         <deploymentdescriptor
>         <!-- AS 4/29/02 Do not validate XML files
>because JBoss 3.0 message driven will
>              report an wrong error because it uses
>the wrong jboss.dtd -->
>         <jboss version="${jboss.version}"
>            xmlencoding="UTF-8"
>            typemapping="${type.mapping}"
>            datasource="${datasource.name}"
>            destdir="${build.dir}/META-INF"
>            validateXml="false"
>         />
>      </ejbdoclet>
>   </target>
>Hope it helps...
>Wonder Sonic
> --- Sundaram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit : > Hi,
>>I have modified template example , created  user
>>entity bean. some how it
>>creating wrong package name.
>>user entity class, it generating  wrong package
>>com.percipia.auth.entity, but it suppose to be
>>generated line:
>>   public com.percipia.auth.entity.UserEntityData
>>getValueObject(  ) throws
>>package com.percipia.auth.entity;
>>import com.percipia.auth.interfaces.*;
>>import java.sql.Date;
>>import java.rmi.RemoteException;
>>import java.util.Collection;
>>import java.util.Iterator;
>>import javax.ejb.CreateException;
>>import javax.ejb.EJBException;
>>import javax.ejb.EntityBean;
>>import javax.ejb.EntityContext;
>>import javax.ejb.FinderException;
>>import javax.ejb.RemoveException;
>>import javax.naming.Context;
>>import javax.naming.InitialContext;
>>import javax.naming.NamingException;
>>import javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject;
>> * The Entity bean represents a UserEntity
>> *
>> * @author Andreas Schaefer
>> * @version $Revision: 1.1 $
>> *
>> * @ejb:bean name="User/UserEntity"
>> *           display-name="UserEntity working on
>>projects to support
>> *           type="CMP"
>> *           jndi-name="ejb/User/UserEntity"
>> *
>> * @ejb:transaction type="Required"
>> *
>> * @ejb:data-object
>> *                  setdata="false"
>> *
>> * @ejb:finder signature="java.util.Collection
>> *
>> * @ejb:finder
>>findByName( java.lang.String pSurname,
>>java.lang.String pLastName )"
>> *
>> * @jboss:finder-query name="findByName"
>> *                     query="First_Name = {0} AND
>>Last_Name = {1}"
>> *
>> * @ejb:finder
>>findAnotherByName( int pId, java.lang.String
>>pSurname, java.lang.String
>>pLastName )"
>> *
>> * @jboss:finder-query name="findAnotherByName"
>> *                     query="Id != {0} AND
>>First_Name = {1} AND Last_Name =
>> *
>> * @jboss:table-name table-name="UserEntity"
>> *
>> * @jboss:create-table create="true"
>> *
>> * @jboss:remove-table remove="true"
>> **/
>>public abstract class UserEntityBean
>>   implements EntityBean
>>   // Members
>>   public EntityContext mContext;
>>   // Methods
>>   /**
>>   * Store the data within the provided data object
>>into this bean.
>>   *
>>   * @param pUserEntity The Value Object containing
>>the UserEntity values
>>   *
>>   * @ejb:interface-method view-type="remote"
>>   **/
>>   public void setValueObject( UserEntityData
>>pUserEntity )
>>      throws
>>         InvalidValueException
>>   {
>>      // Check for Data Integrity in the Value
>>      if( pUserEntity == null ) {
>>         throw new InvalidValueException(
>>"UserEntity" );
>>      }
>>      if( pUserEntity.getId() <= 0 ) {
>>         throw new InvalidValueException(
>>"id.invalid", new String[] {
>>"UserEntity", "Id" } );
>>      }
>>      // Check if the UserEntity is not already
>>      try {
>>         UserEntityHome lHome = (UserEntityHome)
>>         UserEntity lEntity =
>>lHome.findAnotherByName( pUserEntity.getId(),
>>pUserEntity.getLastName() );
>>         // UserEntity with the given email address
>>already exists retrieve
>>instead of create a new one
>>         throw new InvalidValueException(
>>"user.already.exists", new
>>String[] { pUserEntity.getFirstName() + " " +
>>pUserEntity.getLastName() } );
>>      }
>>      catch( FinderException fe ) {
>>         // That's ok
>>      }
>>      catch( RemoteException re ) {
>>         // Should never happens (are local)
>>      }
>>      try {
>>         UserEntityHome lHome = (UserEntityHome)
>>         UserEntity lUserEntity = lHome.findByName(
>>pUserEntity.getLastName() );
>>         if( lUserEntity.getValueObject().getId() !=
>>pUserEntity.getId() ) {
>>         }
>>      }
>>      catch( FinderException fe ) {
>>         // That's ok
>>      }
>>      catch( RemoteException re ) {
>>         // Should never happens (are local)
>>      }
>>      setId( pUserEntity.getId() );
>>      setFirstName( pUserEntity.getFirstName() );
>>      setLastName( pUserEntity.getLastName() );
>>      setPassword( pUserEntity.getPassword() );
>>      setEmail( pUserEntity.getEmail() );
>>      setAddress( pUserEntity.getAddress() );
>>      setCity( pUserEntity.getCity() );
>>      setZIP( pUserEntity.getZIP() );
>>      setState( pUserEntity.getState() );
>>      setCountry( pUserEntity.getCountry() );
>>      if( getCreationDate() == null ) {
>>         // Only set it if object is created
>>         setCreationDate( new Date( new
>>java.util.Date().getTime() ) );
>>      }
>>      // After making any chances update the
>>modification date
>=== message truncated === 
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