
It is much better if you ask questions as you encounter them.  Asking a 
lot of different questions in one big email tends to turn people off 
(too much to approach).

I suggest you take the email and ask some very specific questions in the 
online forums.  If you are getting an error post the exception message 
and the core part of the stacktrace (the inner most exception).  If you 
have reproducible test cases post a bug report at sourceforge.

I'll attempt to answer some of your questions and comments.

Aleksander Grzebyta wrote:
> Hello !
> Here is the intro for my few posts that will more precisely describe our
> problems.
> ur Environment is:
> Windows 2000 SP 2
> Sun J2SE 1.3.1
> JBoss 1.3.1
> Oracle 8.1.7 with thin driver

The Oracle drivers are very buggy.  The only reason they work with 
weblogic is bea coded around Oracle specific bugs.  At JBoss we try not 
to pander to any vendors no matter how big they are.

> We spent three weeks porting mid-sized (35 EJBs) app from WebLogic to JBoss
> 3.0.0. We slowly get working next of its pieces. Recently we have some
> problems with:
> 1. Transactions that are active after some error. When we enter some error
> genetating place in an app we woold like JBoss to clear its contexts to be
> able enter in another place, but we obtain "CannotNestTransactions"
> exception.
> 2. The following schema did not work in test.jsp
> tx.begin
> home1.createTranactionRequiredBean
> home2.createTransactionRequiresNewBean
> tx.commit
> After changing the second Bean's attribute to Required it works OK.

I can't you help with transaction issues; not my area.

> 3. Very big delays when JBoss processing our EJB operations. My collegue
> states that JBoss spent about 30 secs to 2 min in some loops. !!??

This comment is too vague to offer any help.  You need to find out where 
the code is hanging.  There are several places where this can happen if 
the application is not configured correctly.

> 4. ejbPostCreate methods not called, relations not set .

What kind of bean.  I have never not had ejbPostCreate called.  There 
was a bug in 3.0 that caused the UPDATE statement not to be called after 
a finder.  This has been fixed in 3.0.1.

> 5. Wrong out.flush support in JBoss/Tomcat: we either need to put out.flush
> in our JSPs or the includes are wrong, but when out.flush is done the
> redirection fails.

Can't help you with JSP. If I remember correctly, you are not allowed 
(by the Servlet spec) to redirect after data has been written to the 
output stream.

> Despite this errors, that we are trying to isolate, we are rather satisfied
> because of various problems we have already solved :
> a) Migration from remote to local interfaces
> b) EJB-QL clarifying
> c) Some Oracle issues
> d) XDoclet works for the whole app OK.


> But we downloaded and compiled JBoss 3.0.1 and we can see it works somehow
> faster but fails on things we have already cleared up in 3.0.0:
> 1. Wrong SQL for Oracle, based on EJB-QL that worked OK in JBoss 3.0.0 !!!
> It fails on ejbSelect methods. We obtain "no such column" db error.

Again this is to vague to offer any help.

> 2. Some strange exceptions:
> java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException: java.rmi.ServerException:
> removing bean lock and it has tx set!; nested exception is:
>  java.lang.IllegalStateException: removing bean lock and it has tx set!
> java.lang.IllegalStateException: removing bean lock and it has tx set!
>  at
> org.jboss.ejb.plugins.lock.QueuedPessimisticEJBLock.removeRef(QueuedPessimis
>  at org.jboss.ejb.BeanLockManager.removeLockRef(
>  at
> org.jboss.ejb.plugins.EntityLockInterceptor.invoke(EntityLockInterceptor.jav
> a:124)

This is a sign of having a poorly written primary key class. 
Specifically, it is a sign of badly written hashCode and equals methods.

> 3. Expanded EARs does not work: ClassNotFound exceptions - the same EAR dir
> placed in deploy dir of JBoss 3.0.0 works fine !

Don't know any think about this.

Again, I suggest you break up this email and post them along with better 
details to the JBoss online forums.

Dain Sundstrom
Chief Architect JBossCMP
JBoss Group, LLC

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