> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dain Sundstrom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] weblogic --> 3.0.0 --> 3.0.1 very buggy
> The Oracle drivers are very buggy.  The only reason they work with 
> weblogic is bea coded around Oracle specific bugs.  At JBoss 
> we try not 
> to pander to any vendors no matter how big they are.

Hi Dain,

What is your suggestion on databases then?  

Would it be wise to put some not-so-subtle pressure on Oracle by putting the
problems up in the main site?  Seems like unabashed public statements of why
'xyz DB is better than Oracle...' would be better than the periodic "oracle
sucks..." :-)

Here are some reasons I want to use Oracle:

1) I know it well
2) Biggest set of backup and scalability options
3) Stream access to BLOBs
4) EJB in the database (possibly a red herring, but i still want to check it
5) Legacy SQL integration with increasing support for XML (see footnote
6) Interested in, but not blown away by, 9ifs.

I don't know where I am going to get all these features, or even the promise
of them all working together, from anyone but Oracle.  That makes it pretty
difficult to ignore them.  MySQL is cool, but the list above is hard for them
to beat today.  The problems you speak of are fundamental problems but seem
overshadowed by the wealth of options and support (even if only for
documentation) that they provide.

You'll never hear me say that JBoss isn't a great product.  I've never been a
big BEA user, but if the comparo between BEA and JBoss sounds a bit like M$
and Apple, that of brute-force compatibility and that of engineering elegance
and excellence.  I think the latter gets noticed and puts products on
people's radar, but the maturity of a product and long-term adoption is
really defined by the former.

It's pretty clear you are disappointed with Oracle for shipping buggy
drivers, and who knows, in some parallel universe, Oracle might have been
paid off by BEA to keep them that way.  It sure is a good way to keep
competitors out of "their" space.

But that's my point.  By steering clear of the specifics required for
something as important as database integration, JBoss is *working against
itself* to keep itself out of the race with BEA.  BEA has to do nothing to
keep you guys at bay except keep you hating Oracle!  

Marc might want to consider steering ppl your way to get you some help on
this problem.  *Somebody* is going to have to code these workarounds, and if
it isn't a part of the JBoss code base, it's going to have to be a part of
every developer's code base.  When it comes to deployment with CMP, it is a
problem that becomes almost impossible to resolve, since the CMP client code
is relying completely on the container and it's parents for proper code

I suppose I'll start looking at the problems when I get to them, I don't
think I'll have much choice.  And I can't work on these problems until I have
a business need for them to be fixed.

k, peas out... just wanted to toss out some thoughts...


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