I just use apache's mod_proxy to redirect.
I'm obviously a newbie to JBoss/Jetty.  Excuse me if this post
would be better posted elsewhere but I would greatly appreciate
any thoughts on the following problem:
I'm running Redhat 7.2 which has IPCHAINS enabled by default. I've
tried the suggestions for redirecting traffic
(http://jetty.mortbay.com/jetty/doc/User80.html) as follows:

/sbin/ipchains -I input --proto TCP --dport 80 -j REDIRECT 8080


/sbin/iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT
--to-port 8080

The IPCHAINS option doesn't work apparently because kernel is NOT
compiled with CONFIG_IP_MASQUERADE? I don't think I want to recompile
a kernel...sounds pretty heavy duty.

The IPTABLES option didn't work either, I'm getting the following
error when running iptables:

[[EMAIL PROTECTED] webadmin]# /sbin/iptables -L
init_module: Device or resource busy
Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters,
including invalid IO or IRQ parameters
/lib/modules/2.4.9-34/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_tables.o: insmod
/lib/modules/2.4.9-34/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_tables.o failed
/lib/modules/2.4.9-34/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_tables.o: insmod
ip_tables failed
iptables v1.2.4: can't initialize iptables table `filter': iptables
who? (do you need to insmod?)
Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded.

Does anybody have any suggestions to get these options to work or
another method to have Jetty/JBoss listen on port 80?
It seems to me this is a basic functionality that would be used extensively
or are people out there using other methods for directing their standard
port 80 traffic to JBoss/Jetty on port 8080?

David Sica

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