Title: EJBObject.getHandle() returns handle with invalid jndi name

  I am trying to migrate our EJB1.1 applications froim jboss 2.4.6 to jboss 3.0.1
  Everything went fine but at last I faced the following problem:
  My session bean returns to the client (working in another jvm through jnp) a handle of entity bean. In jboss 3.0.1 I couldn't instantiate an object using this handle because it contains a jndi name ejb/xxx/Customer (instead of java:comp/env/ejb/xxx/Customer, this is the name a home interface was obtained with). I hence get javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: ejb/xxx/Customer.

  How can I fix this?

Best wishes,
  Alexei Yudichev   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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