I think that benchmarking that shows mod_proxy as faster than mod_jk
is highly suspect.

While mod_jk does faff about a lot -  changing strings into single
bytes and then back again, mod_proxy does not use persistent connectons and must
reestablish a TCP/IP connection for each request.

I would only expect mod_proxy to be faster if the load presented was
HTTP/1.0 or not kept-alive HTTP/1.1

If mod_proxy does now support HTTP/1.1 persistent connections, then that
is very good news as it is a much better way to forward requests (use the
protocol rather than invent a new one!).


Larry Sanderson wrote:
> These are consistant with our results.  We use mod_proxy and mod_rewrite in
> production becaus it has given us a consistent performance edge over the
> alternatives (mod_jk, no apache, etc...).  Unfortunaty, last I checked, Tux
> does not support ssl, so that was not an option for us.
> -Larry
>>As of Apache 1.3.23 I think, Apache supports HTTP/1.1 compliance in it's
>>mod_proxy mechanism, meaning it can take advantage of persistent
>>connections. That goes for the 2.x series of Apache as well.
>>Using Apache 1.3.26, JBoss 2.4.4 and several different JSP/Servlet engines
>>(Tomcat 3.2.4, Jetty 3.0,3.1, and Resin 2.0.5) I performed many load tests
>>using LoadRunner against the above configurations.  However, for each
>>scenario, I tested once using mod_jk w/ ajp13 connector and a second time
>>using mod_rewrite and mod_proxy passing off to the http listener of
> whatever
>>jsp/servlet engine that was running.  In _every_ example, the use of
>>mod_rewrite and mod_proxy together improved performance over using
>>mod_jk/ajp13.  And this is in an application that uses Struts heavily. I
> am
>>currently setting up a configuration with Tomcat 4.0.3 so I can try
> testing
>>with mod_webapp and see how it performs.
>>I then found even better performance on Linux, by using the TUX kernel web
>>server in place of Apache and passing on all non-static requests on to the
>>specific jsp/servlet container being used at the time.
>>As a result, I would have to say that my testing reveals that using the
>>latest Apaches with mod_proxy will out perform the mod_jk scenarios.
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Thomas T. Veldhouse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] Apache 1.3 and JBOSS 3.0.2 (w/tomcat or w/jetty)
>>Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2002 22:48:32 -0500
>>This link points to an area that really applies to Apache2 and mod_jk2 (or
>>proxy which has disadvantages).  I was under the impression it (Jetty)
> would
>>work with mod_jk and Apache 1.3.
>>J. Michael Savage
>>Datastream Development
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