Hiya Dain.

> > That is me.  I like this feature.  Are you thinking about 
> > just adding an 
> > empty tag to the cmp-field element.  Something like <index/>?

I've managed to do the first part, specifying the indexes in the
jbosscmp-jdbc.xml file.  I've included the changes made to the
3.0.2 download for you and the others to have a look at (sorry,
that's what we have at present).  Let me know what you think and
tell me if there are any glaring problems with my code or assumptions.

The bit I'm worried about the most is the executeSql method in
JDBCStartCommand.  I've written this to take a list of SQL statements
and execute them within a single call, using batching if present.

If I've understood the rest of the code in that file then the connection
is being used outside of a transaction context.  I have therefore
turned off auto commit and explicitly used commit/rollback.  Is this
assumption correct?

BTW I've only tested this on the hypersonic database which comes with
jboss, I would like to hear from others about any problems.

I have tried to keep the coding style of each part the same as the
style used in each individual file (hence the different styles).
I have occassionally lapsed into my standard style, executeSql is
an example.

I've attached a small example of the jbosscmp-jdbc.xml file to give
people an idea of how they are specified.  I intend to include the
auto generated indexes at a later date, hence their inclusion in the
code.  I may not get a chance to start this for a few weeks though
as I'm in the middle of packing to move house.

> BTW Which CVS branch should I be using as a base for this?  I'm
> going to make the changes to our local source initially, which has
> drifted from head, and then will look at moving it into CVS.  It's
> just so that I can try out the changes before updating our version
> of jboss.

Now that 3.2 is out I'll have a look at basing this code on that


P.S. I've included both mailing lists so that we can move this from
jboss-user to jboss-devel.

Kevin Conner
Orchard Information Systems Limited
Newcastle Technopole, Kings Manor
Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 6PA. United Kingdom
Registered in England, Number 1900078
Tel: +44 (0) 191-2032536  Fax: +44 (0) 191 2302515

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