> >after doing some research (trial and error mostly) it seems 
> that I also 
> >need to add:
> >     <parameter name="scope" value="Session"/>
> >to the service element of my web-service.xml file to get 
> jboss.net to 
> >remember I want to maintain a session.
> Have to recheck that, I´m not sure where the ejb reference is 
> put by axis,
> but it is a good
> hint.

The default scope in Axis is 'Request'.  If you do not change
this then the service will be created and destroyed every
time a request is serviced.  'Session' and 'Application' are
the others.

I don't know if JBoss.net has a different EJB provider, we're
bundling Axis within our ear file, but the Axis provider requires
you to specify a number of options that can be determined from
the EJBMetaData :-(


Kevin Conner
Orchard Information Systems Limited
Newcastle Technopole, Kings Manor
Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 6PA. United Kingdom
Registered in England, Number 1900078
Tel: +44 (0) 191-2032536  Fax: +44 (0) 191 2302515

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