> We have subclassed the Axis EJBProvider to only depend on the 
> JNDIName (and
> the Scope as it seems). 

That's what I've done but I must admit that I kept it simple and
only used the remote interface :-), I haven't added anything for
local interfaces.  I would need to examine the create methods
and use the return type to get the local interface.

Actually the more I think about it the more I like it.  I think
it's time to revisit my provider and add this.

BTW I also changed the return type to use the ServiceLifecycle
interface for notifications.  This allows me to call remove
when it goes out of scope.  I also had to add a listener to
the servlet session as Axis doesn't cope with this yet.

> Unfortunately, EJBMetaData is only accessible from EJBHome 
> and not from
> EJBLocalHome (which makes sense when designing an application 
> that just uses
> in-VM RMI communication and out-VM SOAP). I hesitate building 
> two separate
> Providers, especially since the automatic scoping behaviour 
> would be only
> available for one of them. Hmm. But what about having the xdoclet
> template caring about that scope issue?

I guess the real question then becomes why wouldn't you have a session
bean with a minimum scope of 'Session'?  The only reason I can think
of is to keep the number of cached objects to a minimum.


P.S. The only reason we are bundling Axis within our ear is that we
intend to deploy on WebSphere when they eventually release it, unless
I can convince my boss to use JBoss :-).  Of course if that does happen
then I can stop adding to Axis because you'll already have done it :-).

Kevin Conner
Orchard Information Systems Limited
Newcastle Technopole, Kings Manor
Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 6PA. United Kingdom
Registered in England, Number 1900078
Tel: +44 (0) 191-2032536  Fax: +44 (0) 191 2302515

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