Here are the results of my findings for HTTP deployment using the supplied
URLDeploymentScanner and URLDirectoryScanner classes.

- No scanning.  Must use a exact, comma-delimited list of URLs to the
- "hot" redeploy works
- "hot" undeploy works, but only 50%.  After undeploy, URLDeploymentScanner
tries to deploy each URL in the list, and if the app is gone, it logs errors
- No "hot" deploy of new apps.  You have to shutdown server, and change list
of deployed applications, &restart.
- Cannot use expanded applications (e.g., no default web apps).  Logs errors
saying ZipException blah, blah...

- No scanning. Must use a exact list of URLs to the applications.
- "hot" redeploy works
- No "hot" deploy of new apps.  You have to shutdown server, and change list
of deployed applications, &restart.
- "hot" undeploy works 100%.  If the app in the URL list does not exist,
URLDirectoryScanner will not error out like URLDeploymentScanner.
- Cannot use expanded applications, but logs no errors (different from

I have not tried the farm deployment option yet, nor the JMX Ant task.

After experimenting so far, I think pointing multiple JBoss Servers to a
shared network drive /deploy directory is a better option than using the
HTTP deployment capability. Of course, assuming you have the option of using
a shared drive to keep a single copy of your applications. Since the shared
drive would be a single point of failure, this is a toughie to swallow too.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of David Jencks
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 10:19 AM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] deploying via HTTP URLs

Warning, I haven't tried much of this, and may not be 100% accurate.

On 2002.09.27 12:01:57 -0400 Jason Westra wrote:
> Hi!
> I want to keep all deployed apps in a single location on our network and
> start up multiple (non-clustered) JBoss instances that deploy the apps
> from
> HTTP URLs.  I know this is *possible* with JBoss however...
> 1. Is it recommended?


> If not, why?
> If so, what are some "gotchas" to look out for, tune, etc.?
> 2. Does it work well with expanded web apps, or should I only use
> archived
> .wars?

I don't know, but I'd like to:-)
> 3. What affect does the URL deployment scanner time have on this type of
> deployment?

AFAIK the scanners really only work on local file systems.  If true, this
means you will have to have your application repository on one of the jboss
machines or deploy more explicitly.  I think you can either list the app
urls explicitly in the scanner config or (what I'd probably do) write an
ant script using the jmx task to explicitly deploy the apps.

I think you can use the farm service without clustering to deploy to one
jboss instance explicitly and have the deployments mirrored on the other
servers automatically.

> 4. I have no need for session replication, fail-over, just
> load-balancing.
> Any recommendations on sticky IP routing software with Apache to ensure
> requests are routed/load-balanced across the separate JBoss-Tomcat
> servers?

I seem to recall Greg talking about writing some kind of load balancer for
jetty so you wouldn't need apache or anything else, but I don't know
whether this is finished.

david jencks
> Jason
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