I've posted this a number of times with no response
each time it happens. And it is happening right now, do
I'd like to know if there is anything I can check before
restarting for a clue.
I'm now using 3.0.2 with JDK 1.3.1-b24 under Red Hat 7.2.
Periodically, seems like after long periods of idle time, that
Jetty looses track of all the jsp files, so I start getting 404
Not Found errors.
For example, my logon url is:
At this moment on a server, I get a 404 error going to that page,
but I know it is there. If I look at:
there is a jsp directory. But, if I look in that directory through the
browser, about 80% of the JSPs do not show up as existing, but
I know they are there and can look in the "real" directory through
a shell and confirm they are there. Plus, if I restart jboss, they
show up again and will be fine for some unknown number of days.
This is a real problem I've experience now under different versions.
Anything I can check on this server right now before I restart jboss?

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