On Fri, 17 Jan 2003 07:36:57 +0000
Jules Gosnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Joćo Clemente wrote:
> > As I've reported some days ago, when using 3.0.5RC2, I am getting these strange 
>lines in my log file. This time I'm using 3.0.5 binaries available in sourceforge.
> > 
> > 01:16:45,502 INFO  [JBossWebApplicationContext] setDistributable true
> > 01:16:46,062 INFO  [JBossWebApplicationContext#/webmail] using Distributable 
>HttpSession Manager: or
> > g.mortbay.j2ee.session.Manager@779959
> > 01:16:46,102 WARN  [Manager] No Store. Falling back to a local session 
>implementation - NO HTTPSESSI
> > 
> > As anyone seen this before? 
> If you set the <distributable/> tag in your web.xml you should:
> 1. be doing so intentionally - it is a costly thing to do.

Yes, I am, since I'll need to support failover. My app keeps references in http layer 
(httpsession) to ejb layer objects. If I do not support http session replication the 
whole thing goes down.

> 2. uncomment the JGStore block in 
> deploy/jbossweb.sar/META-INF/jboss-service.xml

Hey! Is this new? I haven't done this step with the previous jboss versions, and I had 
some small test applications working correctly (with http replication enabled) then! 
Was this some jetty change introduced in the last days?

> 3. run the 'all' configuration, which contains JavaGroups which is 
> needed for session distribution.

Yep, I'm doing that.

Ok, let me try out and I'll post my new findings.

Once again, thank you Jules.

  Joćo Pedro Clemente   -   jpcl (at) rnl ist utl pt
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