Joćo Clemente wrote:
On Fri, 17 Jan 2003 07:36:57 +0000
Jules Gosnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Joćo Clemente wrote:

As I've reported some days ago, when using 3.0.5RC2, I am getting these strange lines in my log file. This time I'm using 3.0.5 binaries available in sourceforge.

01:16:45,502 INFO [JBossWebApplicationContext] setDistributable true
01:16:46,062 INFO [JBossWebApplicationContext#/webmail] using Distributable HttpSession Manager: or
01:16:46,102 WARN [Manager] No Store. Falling back to a local session implementation - NO HTTPSESSI

As anyone seen this before?
If you set the <distributable/> tag in your web.xml you should:

1. be doing so intentionally - it is a costly thing to do.

Yes, I am, since I'll need to support failover. My app keeps references in http layer (httpsession) to ejb layer objects. If I do not support http session replication the whole thing goes down.

2. uncomment the JGStore block in deploy/jbossweb.sar/META-INF/jboss-service.xml

Hey! Is this new? I haven't done this step with the previous jboss versions, and I had some small test applications working correctly (with http replication enabled) then! Was this some jetty change introduced in the last days?

This is new in 3.0.5.

Components in the session replication layer are now configured by allocating and configuring an instance in the ConfigurationElement of you jbossweb.sar/META-INF/jboss-service.xml. Previously, you just had to specify the classes, not the instances.

The advantage of this approach is that it is considerably more flexible and exposes the instance's full interface to configuration.

The disadvantage is that you actually need the class present at configure-time. JavaGroups is not present in some of the JBoss configurations, so this block is commented out, to avoid nasty exceptions on startup.


You should upgrade to Jetty 4.2.5 to avoid a couple of nasty bugs that crept into 4.2.4 (release in 3.0.5).

See the FAQ -


3. run the 'all' configuration, which contains JavaGroups which is needed for session distribution.

Yep, I'm doing that.

Ok, let me try out and I'll post my new findings.

Once again, thank you Jules.

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