Beau Cronin wrote:

I have a Swing app which is essentially single-threaded, accessing the server in the usual way through a session facade. I'd like to do some background loading of certain data for performance reasons, but when I try to do this by using a separate thread (and separate session instance), I get various transaction collision problems if these two threads access the server at the same time.

I'm obviously missing something here--shouldn't different remote client threads from the same client be able to access JBoss simultaneously in the same way that entirely different clients can? I.e., shouldn't they spawn separate transactions which are scheduled appropriately by JBoss?

Any clarification appreciated,

Beau Cronin

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Try to do the same thing u are doing with 2 threads in the same VM, in 2 different JVMs. And (as I suspect it would be) if u get the same collisions (tx deadlocks?), your problem resides at the server side.


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