
OK - Please don't slam me too hard for this mail.  I wanna move my jboss
client from the machine where jboss is installed (i.e., localhost) to our hp
machine.  I just wanna make sure that the test client can make the call
properly over the network.  Someone has surely answered this question before
- make configuration file changes are required to do this?

For what I've read so far, I believe most of the client changes entail
updating the jndi.properties 'java.naming.provider.url=localhost' entry to
'java.naming.provider.url=jnp://somehostname:1099/'.  Are there other
changes that are needed beside this?  To the client only?  Both client
and/or server?  For localhost, can I simply change this val to the IP for
the machine where jboss is running?  I tried this, but the app timed out, so
I know I'm still dumb on some of the issues.

Please help!

Matt Hanson!

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