hey - changed the server jndi.properties from localhost to my machine IP,
and a client on the _same_ machine can connect with the server using the
ip...  before, i could only connect to localhost.

i still catch the following rmi exception on the hp machine, trying to call
remotely to the ip of the server win machine:

client call:

accountFacadeHome home = (accountFacadeHome)
PortableRemoteObject.narrow(objref, accountFacadeHome.class);

exception caught:

javax.naming.CommunicationException: Receive timed out [Root exception is
java.io.InterruptedIOException: Receive timed out]

however, i can telnet to the win machine:

~/tmp/jboss [126]> telnet 10.x07.33.21y 1099
Connected to 10.x07.33.21y.
Escape character is '^]'.
10.x07.33.2yæ'6óSBn=xConnection closed by foreign host.

i think this is progress from yesterday...  any ideas on what i have so far,
and what i need to do to make things work...

wow!  matt hanson!

-----Original Message-----
From: Kim, Yong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2003 9:09 AM
Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] Run Client Using RMI

Hi, Matthew.

All I had to do was to uncomment the line below in the jndi.properties file
and replace the "localhost" with property hostname or IP.  Make sure
jndi.properties file is in your classpath.


I have a standalone Java appliation that's sending a JMS message to the
queue on the server by looking up the queue using JNDI.  I know it works,


-----Original Message-----
From: Hanson, Matthew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2003 9:24 AM
Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] Run Client Using RMI

Alright, folks...  I'm now getting desperate...  I know it is possible to
connect to a Win NT4.0 machine running jboss-3.0.4_tomcat-4.1.12 from an
HP-UX machine.  I have not been able to find out how to do it on the forums.
I am a little unclear about how the Win NT4.0 IP should be declared on the
client machine (jndi.properties?) and what server configuration changes need
to occur.  I don't wanna flood the user group here, but the forums have me
going in every direction.

I have seen posts saying to just change jndi.properties on the client to
point to the right host.  Then I have seen posts saying HTTP invokation is
the only way for this to work.  Then I see that I may need to use jproxy or
SOAP to get this done.  I just have a simple client needing to call the
server from a different machine.  There has to be a source of information
that can guide me through the changes needed to every file that is affected
by the client move.  I'm sure this can include
additions/deletions/modifications to xml files to config of both server and
client.  I'm sure this can include changing the word "localhost" to a real
host or IP in one or a great many files.  I'm sure this can include changes
to source files and xdoclet/jboss tags.

The forums and replies to my post only ever address one subset of all of
these potential changes.  And the coverage of the required change is usually
so high level that it amounts to guesswork as to what the exact change

Is there no place where I can find out how to accomplish my task?  I hope I
can get this to work.

If anyone can make my situation clear, please help me.

Thanks - Matt Hanson

Here is my original post:
> Hi--
> OK - Please don't slam me too hard for this mail.  I
> wanna move my jboss
> client from the machine where jboss is installed
> (i.e., localhost) to our hp
> machine.  I just wanna make sure that the test
> client can make the call
> properly over the network.  Someone has surely
> answered this question before
> - make configuration file changes are required to do
> this?
> For what I've read so far, I believe most of the
> client changes entail
> updating the jndi.properties
> 'java.naming.provider.url=localhost' entry to
> 'java.naming.provider.url=jnp://somehostname:1099/'.
>  Are there other
> changes that are needed beside this?  To the client
> only?  Both client
> and/or server?  For localhost, can I simply change
> this val to the IP for
> the machine where jboss is running?  I tried this,
> but the app timed out, so
> I know I'm still dumb on some of the issues.
> Please help!
> Thanks!
> Matt Hanson!

-----Original Message-----
From: Hanson, Matthew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2003 10:41 AM
Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] Run Client Using RMI

hi - adding to my last post...  jboss currently is running on an NT4.0
machine, and i am trying to port the client to our hp-ux machine...  the
communication layer between these types of hardware is very fuzzy to me...
i am not ready to move everything over to unix, so i would like to test
things very incrementally...  even if this configuration seems illogical, is
it possible?


-----Original Message-----
From: Nicholas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 9:56 AM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] Run Client Using RMI

For remote [and local] connections, I have never used
the "decorated" URL you showed in your email. I simply


If it is timing out, make sure you can actually ping
the server from your client box......:)

Also, make sure all the "required  stuff"  (that is a
technical term) is in your client classpath.

Lastly, make sure you are infact running the JNDI port
on the port you are trying to connect to.



--- "Hanson, Matthew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi--
> OK - Please don't slam me too hard for this mail.  I
> wanna move my jboss
> client from the machine where jboss is installed
> (i.e., localhost) to our hp
> machine.  I just wanna make sure that the test
> client can make the call
> properly over the network.  Someone has surely
> answered this question before
> - make configuration file changes are required to do
> this?
> For what I've read so far, I believe most of the
> client changes entail
> updating the jndi.properties
> 'java.naming.provider.url=localhost' entry to
> 'java.naming.provider.url=jnp://somehostname:1099/'.
>  Are there other
> changes that are needed beside this?  To the client
> only?  Both client
> and/or server?  For localhost, can I simply change
> this val to the IP for
> the machine where jboss is running?  I tried this,
> but the app timed out, so
> I know I'm still dumb on some of the issues.
> Please help!
> Thanks!
> Matt Hanson!
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