
Sorry; I didn't know what you initially meant.

Well, I just edited my login page to spit out some debug. I enumerated over and logged all request headers, request attributes and request parameters, and.... the only stuff that was visible in the implicit request object on the login page were headers. Of the headers, the only one that might be remotely useful is the "referer" header, which says where you came *from*. I didn't see anything about where you were trying to go *to*.

If you figure this one out, please share.



Gabriel Pinto escribió::
That's ok !

But what I need is to know where it will take me when I am at the login page, so that I can make differen login pages to differente protected contexts.

Does anyone knows how to do it?



On Thu, 13 Feb 2003, David Ward wrote:

The user will go wherever he/she was trying to go to before web-tier security intercepted the request and presented the login page. If the user fails to authenticate, you can configure the error page in web.xml.


Gabriel Pinto escribió::

How can I know where j_security_check will foward me after login authentication?



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