> Just to see that I am sure(please correct me and ofc any explanation
> is appreciated).
> the ejb-ref and ejb-local-ref work also with "local/HandlerBean"
> meaning I still a re-map from local/HandlerBean to something else.
> The ejb-ref and friends as far as I know is used together with the
> session bean. In my case I could access the bean without using the
> ejb-ref (I found it`s name from the jmx-console). (can anyone shed
> some light in this area?).

Okay, each component [application, web context, ejb, ....] you deply
will have its own Context. It will be located at "java:/comp/env".

Now if you are looking for something that is bound to "java:/comp/env"
from with a servlet you have to put it there. You would put it there
thru ejb-ref in your web.xml

If you used "java:/comp/env" from within an EJB then you would need
references in the ejb-jar.xml

That is all true about local context. JBoss however has a global context.
Where it binds your objects. I am not sure exactly what convention is
when you do not provide those three optional xmls that I was talking
about in my earlier post, but those are basically needed to provide

So jboss.xml will bind your ejbs into the global context so that other
components [apps] can reference it (in their local "java:/comp/env";
jbossweb.xml will do similar job for your web app.

Okay just to give you some example, suppose we have a bean Facade:


  <session >
    <description><![CDATA[Facade Bean]]></description>


    <!-- note this is your global name for FacadeHome
                        watch it referenced in jbossweb.xml -->

  <!-- this is the declaration that will bind FacadeHome into the
       local context of your web application so that you can do

       InitialContext initialContext = new InitialContext();
       try {
         java.lang.Object objRef =
         return (edu.columbia.law.tas.ejb.FacadeHome)
       } finally {

   <!-- finally this is where you connect your ejb/Facade to
        the global home -->
     <ejb-ref-name>ejb/Facade</ejb-ref-name>   <!-- local name fo it -->
     <jndi-name>ejb/tas/FacadeHome</jndi-name> <!-- global context look at
jboss.xml  -->

That is about it. The only thing that I can not find in jmx-console
is how do I see the env context of my web context it has to have
one, but it might be Jetty hidden. So I have not found a way to browse it.


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