On Sat, 8 Mar 2003 00:40, David Jencks wrote:

> Absolutely not.  Don't try to  write your own TransactionManager.  If your
> program is written as (session) ejbs, I recommend using container managed
> transactions.  If it is a servlet or mbean or you found some other exotic
> way to run code inside jboss, use UserTransaction to control your
> transactions.

To setup the transaction I am doing the following:

  UserTransaction ut = ic.lookup("UserTransaction"); 

For the oracle connection I'm calling 

  DataSource ds = (DataSource)ic.lookup("java:/XAOracleDS");

and I assume this enlists the connection in the transaction?

Then for JMS I am doing the following

  TopicConnectionFactory tcf = 
  TopicConnection tc = tcf.createTopicConnection();
  TopicSession ts = tc.createTopicSession(true, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
  Topic t = (Topic)ic.lookup("topic/atopic");
  TopicPublisher tp = ts.createPublisher(aTopic);
  tp.publish(msg,DeliverMode.PERSISTENT, Message.DEFAULT_PRIORITY, lifetime);

Does this also enlist the topic connection in the transaction? 

The database operations are being committed, but the JMS messages do not seem 
to make it to the topic. A breakpoint in SpySession.commit() is never 

> You should be able to use 3.0.7 from cvs also, but your life will be
> simpler if you use 3.2RC2 or later and the *-ds.xml config file.

Life was never meant to be easy :-) I really need to stay with 3.0.x for the 
next month or so and then upgrade.

Are there instructions on how to checkout from CVS? (ie: what module/modules 
are required). Is there a label for the 3.0.7 branch? 

brian wallis...

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