The log output you show shouldn't get in the way of anything except maybe
jsr 77 monitoring features.  Can you set the log level to at least debug
and show the server.log for the *-ds.xml file being deployed?  I don't have
any XADataSources handy to try this with.

david jencks

On 2003.03.24 17:27 "Demyanovich, Craig - Apogent" wrote:
> Greetings everyone,
> I have never successfully deployed a *-ds.xml file on 3.2.0 for an XA
> data
> source.  I've failed again today with 3.2.0 RC4.  I'm using the
> JSQLConnect
> driver to connect to MS SQL Server 2000.  The *-ds.xml file is attached. 
> Of
> course, I've replaced the relevant property values with those for my
> system.
> Although I no longer receive a warning about using the wrong transaction
> manager, I continue to receive this line in server.log:
> 2003-03-24 17:04:51,873 DEBUG
> [] Failed to find a
> service=xxxDS match
> Furthermore, I have never seen my data source listed on the jmx-console.
> I like JBoss very much, but I can't believe that deploying a simple XA
> data
> source has been so difficult, especially in release candidate software. 
> I
> hope that I have made some simple mistake and that someone can tell me
> what
> it is.
> Thanks for your time,
> Craig

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