Hello Chris,

I just enabled overriding PK with FK if they are equal.

ENJOY!!! ;)


Monday, July 07, 2003, 4:15:30 PM, Christofer Dutz wrote:

CD> Alexey Loubyansky wrote:

>>Hello Christofer,
>>Monday, July 07, 2003, 11:58:43 AM, Christofer Dutz wrote:
>>CD> Hi,
>>CD> I am getting these errors when mirgrating the SPECjAppServer from BeaWeblogic to
>>CD> JBoss. I wrote a message about this problem a few months ago. Someone told me
>>CD> that he opened a bug-report and I had a look at it. Unfortunately nothing has
>>CD> changed. 
>>It was me. I consider it as not being a bug but a feature. Therefore, I
>>submited a feature request for it.
>>You have been the only one on the list asking for it and since you
>>publicly said bye, this became a low priority task for me.
CD> Ok ... I see ;}

CD> Well my professor asked me to continue my work as an employe of my 
CD> university.
CD> It would be very nice if this feature would be added in the near future, 
CD> since it prevents me from
CD> runing the SPECjAppServer in Jboss without changing the sourcecode.

>>CD> JBoss still complaines (JBoss-3.2.2RC1) about me wanting to change the PK Values
>>CD> outside ejbCreate. Yes I know .. this is bad, but the value isn't changed. The
>>CD> set-method wants to set the value of the field to a value it was already set to
>>CD> in ejbCreate.
>>CD>  All other major application server check if the value is realy
>>CD> changed prior to throwing an exception.
>>Could you, please, enumerate what other/all app servers you tried? I
>>would really appreciate this info.
CD> Well I tried BeaWeblogic and talked with people using the Borland 
CD> AppServer and WebSphere ...

>>CD>  Wouldn't it be nice if Jboss behaved the
>>CD> same way as all the others do?
>>Yes, it would. But the list of all others first. Deal?

CD> Chris

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