To turn off debugging for a particular category, set its priority
to the level at which msgs should be logged in the conf/log4j.xml:

   <category name="org.jboss.ejb.plugins.jaws.jdbc">
      <priority value="INFO"/>

Scott Stark
Chief Technology Officer
JBoss Group, LLC
Bill Burke wrote:

Does the TX eventually time out and give you a stack trace?  There is one
deadlock scenario that we don't detect
All this is in the same thread.

1. begin tx1
2. access entity bean  A (does lock for tx1
3. suspend tx1 (a RequiresNew or something similar)
4. begin tx2
5. access entity bean A

How to turn off debugging? Go to server/default/conf/log4j.xml

In the "FILE" appender add a threshhold of WARN or INFO:

<param name="Threshold" value="INFO"/>


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