 I posted this to the group a couple of weeks ago when trying to get
3.2.2RC1 working. Alex had a look at it and figured it was fixed for RC2. As
RC2 was only a couple of weeks away I decided it'd be easier for me to wait
for RC2 than build it, my mistake, I've just grabbed RC2 - it's still there.
(I'll log a bug this time).


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gavin Matthews 
> Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2003 7:05 PM
> Subject: CMR Problem in 3.2.2?
> Hi,
>  I posted yesterday and last week about a problem I was 
> having with CMR when I upgraded from 3.2.0 to 3.2.2. I've 
> done more investigation and I don't think my previous mails 
> were entirely accurate (or very clear) so let me start over. 
>  The Problem:
>  I'm experiencing NPE in our app because the CMR 
> relationships are (apparently) not being created. This didn't 
> occur with our app in 3.2.0. 
>  I have a sample case which I believe is representitive of 
> the problem I'm seeing in our app. The beans are Foo & Bar 
> (sorry about the naming). The relationship is N-Foo-1-Bar. 
> The relation is being set in post create:
> public abstract class FooEJB extends AbstractEntityBean {
> ...
>     public void ejbPostCreate(BarLocal bar, String fooValue) 
> throws CreateException {
>         sLog.debug("ejbPostCreate(" + getId() + ")");
>         this.setBar(bar);
>     }
> ...
> }
> And I have a test session which does the following:
> ...
>             BarLocal bar = createBar("This is a bar");
>             FooLocal foo = createFoo(bar, "This is a foo");
>             sLog.info("****************************************");
>             sLog.info("Bar id through foo: " + foo.getBar().getId());
>             sLog.info("Bar id through bars foos: ");
>             Collection foos = bar.getFoos();            
>             sLog.info("Number of foos associated with bar: " 
> + foos.size());
>             Iterator fooIter = bar.getFoos().iterator();
>             while (fooIter.hasNext()) {
>                 FooLocal tmpFoo = (FooLocal) fooIter.next();
>                 sLog.info("Foo id: " + tmpFoo.getId());
>                 sLog.info("Bar id: " + tmpFoo.getBar().getId());
>             }
>             sLog.info("****************************************");
> ...
> I'd expect the output of this test case to be:
> 18:58:38,875 INFO  [FooBarSessionEJB] 
> ****************************************
> 18:58:38,890 INFO  [FooBarSessionEJB] Bar id through foo: 1011
> 18:58:38,890 INFO  [FooBarSessionEJB] Bar id through bars foos: 
> 18:58:38,890 INFO  [FooBarSessionEJB] Number of foos 
> associated with bar: 1
> 18:58:38,906 INFO  [FooBarSessionEJB] Foo id: 1017
> 18:58:38,906 INFO  [FooBarSessionEJB] Bar id: 1011
> 18:58:38,906 INFO  [FooBarSessionEJB] 
> ****************************************
> What I'm actually seeing is:
> 18:58:38,875 INFO  [FooBarSessionEJB] 
> ****************************************
> 18:58:38,890 INFO  [FooBarSessionEJB] Bar id through foo: 1011
> 18:58:38,890 INFO  [FooBarSessionEJB] Bar id through bars foos: 
> 18:58:38,890 INFO  [FooBarSessionEJB] Number of foos 
> associated with bar: 0
> 18:58:38,906 INFO  [FooBarSessionEJB] 
> *******************************************
> If I add a finder call after the beans are created (which 
> forces the beans to be synchronized to the database) then I 
> get the results I expect. This makes me think that there's a 
> problem with the  caching - the "bar" returned by the 
> create() call is not the same Bar instance as returned by 
> foo.getBar(). Which means that I have 2 instances of the same 
> bean within the same transaction which have different state - 
> seems like a bug to me, I'd have expected the foo.getBar() 
> call to return the same "bar" as was passed to the create() call.
> I've attached the source. For the sample, let me know what you think,
> thanks,
> gavin

Attachment: FooEJB.java
Description: Binary data

Attachment: FooBarSessionEJB.java
Description: Binary data

Attachment: BarEJB.java
Description: Binary data

Attachment: testSchema.sql
Description: Binary data

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