Firstly a note to the list moderator: This is a request for CVS access, so I believe that it is on topic and should not be censored.

Bill Burke wrote:
JBoss Group, as caretaker of the JBoss project, has recently decided to
remove CVS access committers for a few of our committers.  We do not remove
from CVS without good reason nor without just cause.  These are the reasons
for the removals:

I'll take these in reverse order:

> 3. There is just too much conflict of interest of developers working on two
> different J2EE projects that are being developed under two very different
> open-source licenses.

Surely that is for the developers or their actions to determine?  Or is
this taking the Bush doctrine of pre-emptive action to it's logical extreme?

There are conflicts all the time in open source development - between the
day job and the project - between license types - between duplicate
projects - between competing clients both using your code - between time
developing and time to have a life etc.

As the author of Jetty, I have helped it be integrated with JBoss, JOnAS and
avalon among other proprietary projects.   I am serving on JSR154 and give
effort to improve all J2EE containers.   I have worked with and submitted
bug reports and patches for tomcat.  I frequently consult to competative
companies.    I believe I have proven that I can deal with such conflicts
in a professional manner.

JBoss has many users and JBG has many clients that they have encouraged
to use Jetty/JBoss as a stable and supported platform.   JBoss is currently
the best J2EE platform out there and I only wish to continue supporting
it - and fullfilling the implicit promise made to all JBoss users that
we will make best efforts to support our contributions.

If you give us back our CVS access - what harm can it be?  If we vandalize
the code, or become idle for a long period - then remove our access.
But we only wish to maintain our contributions and support the JBoss
community.  The only reasons that I can see for removing us is so you
can make "no jboss developer" marketting claims.

2. More importantly, we have learned that they have forked JBoss.  We also
believe they are preparing to submit it, or some derivation, to the new
Apache Geronimo project which would violate copyright and LGPL.  Our proof?

I'm not exactly up to speed with the full motivation for Elba, but it is not for submission to geronimo - nor would the ASF accept it if it was offered.

The elba CVS is a totally legal fork of the JBoss code, which after recent
public legal threats is good to know that it can be done if needed.  I
do know it was motivated by removing a private trademarc from an open
code base.

But whatever, it's got nothing to do with JBoss nor my continuing desire
to support the project.

> 1. These individuals have refused to discuss design issues on our public > forums. It is crucial to have a public record of design discussions so that > others may particpate in future work.

I have always been willing to discuss issues on jboss-dev.  I, Jan, David,
Jeremy, Hiram and others have all posted to this forum recently - although
several such posts were censored.

Besides, even if we have done something to warrent our removal from current
committers, we should not have been removed from the contributors page.


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