
In our application we currently have a need (don't ask) to periodically
go through a very large dataset.

We are using jboss 3.2.1, with an oracle 9i back-end, using CMP2.

On my first attempts to do this, with a read-ahead strategy of "on-load", with a page size of 10, (in a transaction),
the cmp engine executes the query, and appears to try to load up the primary keys for the resultset.

Unforunately, the amount of keys alone causes jboss on my developer machine to give me an OutOfMemoryException. It hasn't even started to preload the beans or anything (so, AFAIK, the read-ahead is immaterial).

Am I stuck with BMP for this? Is there any way to tune the CMP 2 engine so that it doesn't try to load in all of the primary keys, and THEN, load up the entities?

Russ Chan

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