Title: Message
Adrian is the best AS400 programmer in UK, so don't worry ;)
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ricardo Coutinho
Sent: mardi, 23. septembre 2003 17:06
Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] Exception Sorter Information

No problem.

However I am not sure if it is functioning correctly. As I said I get an exception from the container on the first re-use of the connection after it was cut and after that it works okay.

For my client application this is obviously not ideal. The reconnect should be transparent to the client.

Any comments?

> Ricardo Coutinho
> Software Engineer
> ____________________________________________
> Odyssey Asset Management Systems S.A.
Espace Kirchberg-Eolis
> 26-28, rue Edward Steichen
L-2540  Luxembourg-Kirchberg
> Direct Line:+352 42 60 80 4425
> fax: +352 42 91 92
> http://www.odyssey-group.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Adrian Brock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 23 September 2003 16:33
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] Exception Sorter Information

Can you allow me to include your sorter in the jboss distribution?


On Tue, 2003-09-23 at 10:30, Ricardo Coutinho wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have implemented an ExceptionSorter for my AS400 connection.
> The reconnect works, eventually, but only after it fails one time to
> recreate the connection.
> In other words, when the connection is lost, I get an error when
> reusing the connection. Then after another attempt it manages to
> reconnect again. Is this the normal behaviour?
> Here is the configuration of my datasource
> <datasources>
> <local-tx-datasource>
> <jndi-name>ODCDTA</jndi-name>
> <connection-url>jdbc:as400:<<IP-ADDRESS>>/ODCDTA;Libraries=ODCDTA</connection-url>
> <driver-class>com.ibm.as400.access.AS400JDBCDriver</driver-class>
> <idle-timeout-minutes>5</idle-timeout-minutes>
> <application-managed-security/>
> <exception-sorter-class-name>com.odc.server.jboss.jdbc.AS400ExceptionSorter</exception-sorter-class-name>
> </local-tx-datasource>
> </datasources>
> and here is the content of the isExceptionFatal method of my exception
> sorter
> public boolean isExceptionFatal(SQLException e)
> {
> boolean ret = false;
> if(e != null && e.getSQLState() != null)
> ret = (e.getSQLState().equals("08003") ||
> e.getSQLState().equals("08S01") || e.getSQLState().equals("40003"));
> if(ret)
> getLogger().debug("Connection closed by AS400. SQLState=(" +
> e.getSQLState() + "). Forcing reconnect. Error recieved:\n" +
> e.getMessage());
> return ret;
> }
> Is the above implementation correct?
> Ricardo
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Adrian Brock
Director of Support
Back Office
JBoss Group, LLC

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